
Acknowledge Him in all thy ways

Proverbs 3:5,6 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

I must have shared with you before about how my life changed. I was a person of reason and human understanding (scientific minded). But when the Lord proved to me that all my science is vain when it comes to Him; that changed my life.

Today I work in the Information Technology industry which is based on science, reason and understanding. Yet when it comes to my life I follow the Word, which many a times goes against my human understanding. In the start if it is written I followed it (I use to study the scriptures properly and at times even ask for confirmation).

Today by God's grace, He has given me understanding most of the time, why He wants or makes us to do certain things out of our way. If you are at that stage where you are deciding between reason and having faith in God, I will tell you just surrender to the Lord even if you do not understand what will be the outcome of it and you will not be disappointed.

[ Prayer Starter ]

Father God, You are God and when You created me You knew in and out of me and everything good for me. You have given me a mind and right to choose my future. But your love desires the best for me and your Spirit tries to direct me to it. Help me Lord not to lean to my understanding but to your Spirit so that I may be blessed. I ask this in Jesus' Name, Amen.

The Word of God was given free to us, therefore we should also share it freely with others.
(All rights are with God)